Gergely Borsi

Gergely Borsi
acoustical engineer

Mr. Gergely Borsi did his academy at Vitéz János Roman Catholic Academy (PPKE-VJF) communication-cultural specialist department in 2005 his Diploma essay was „The dramaturg and technical evolutin of sound performance from the beginning”. In 2004 made a technician training in the Hungarian National Radio. In 2011 he did his academy at the Budapest Engineering Academy (Óbuda University) Kandó Kálmán Electrical Engineering School, communication engineering institution.

2004-2008 he was working as reporter and editor at the Hungarian Catholic Radio. Since 2005 he has been working at Arató Acoustics Ltd. His scope of activities is noise measurements, noise reduction, building acoustical measurements and sound insulation.

Since 2009 he is member of the OPAKFI craft union.

He was the designer of Frequentor (DAP) Acoustical Panel in 2008. In 2008 got prize at the Hungarian Design Avard with this innovate.